Artist Profile: Sarah from Not Work Related

Artist Profile: Sarah from Not Work Related

When Sarah (also known as Not Work Related) signed on to create a limited-edition vessel for the Candle Builder, we knew it was going to be a show-stopper. We've admired her work for a few years now, and have worked with her in the past -  so we knew she was going to create something incredible. One of the best things about commissioning pieces like this is being able to say "just create whatever you want!". Letting artists have creative control over a project always leads to the most exciting results, and this project was no exception. 

You can shop this limited-edition custom candle vessel while they last here, and read more about Sarah and her inspiration below!

Name: Sarah Hussaini

Where do you live? Brooklyn, NY

Why do you create?
I always liked building things (I still work part-time as an architect) and the idea of being able to create something (on my own) that is both utilitarian and expressive is fun and gratifying for me.

How do you bring art into your everyday?
I have made a big effort to purchase things that are made in America or made ethically. I think it’s important to consume things that are made consciously.

What gets you super excited about life?
Dogs and then free food, it can’t get better than that.

Do you have a favorite artist? If so, who and why?
Josef Albers and Karel Martens. Just profound in their use of color and shape. 

What’s your favorite place to get inspired? is super.

What inspired the design for your Standard Wax vessel? 
WWI warship camouflage called “Dazzle”. It was meant to confuse the enemy on the position, orientation, and speed of your ship. 

standard wax not work related custom candles


What’s something unique about your work that people won’t see anywhere else?
I think the precision is pretty unique compared to most hand-made ceramic products. I have a hard time embracing imperfection.

Favorite City?
I don’t know if it’s my favorite, but NYC has been home for the last 10 years and it’s pretty good.

Favorite Restaurant? Kings County Imperial I go every year for my birthday:)

Favorite Museum?
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, the extension of which was designed by Jean Nouvel. The atrium and roof terrace are fantastic physical experiences.

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