Big news about our Reed Diffusers

Big news about our Reed Diffusers

I love our reed diffusers. They're definitely the product I'm most proud of designing, from start to finish. From a sketch, to prototypes, to samples, to full-blown production, I couldn't believe how wonderful they were when we got the first shipment in.

With such wonderful innovation often comes a new set of hurdles, though. You see, ordering thousands of a product you've designed from a factory overseas is really, really hard. Now don't get me wrong, I'm always up for a challenge. This particular challenge didn't sit well with me, though, for a number of reasons. Because of this, I've decided that custom manufacturing isn't the right fit for Standard Wax. 

Sadly, this means that our wonderful, beautiful reed diffuser vessels will be discontinued when our current stock runs out. The good news? Those diffusers were designed to be repurposed, and we'll continue selling refills for them in all of your favorite fragrances. 

If you've had your eye on a diffuser, you can still grab one now. When they're sold out, they won't be replenished though! 

Thanks for always being so supportive of the business decisions we make around here. 

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