Make the most of your downtime with this easy routine

Make the most of your downtime with this easy routine

I don't do sponsored things, just so you know. I just like to share things I love with you... like these CBD products from Populum

We've been drinking a lot less in our house. It started when Ruby was born and the thought of being hungover or any more tired than we needed to be was a nightmare. There's something about pouring a drink or opening a beer that just signals "it's time to relax!", though, and we were missing that for sure.

Enter: the wonderful world of CBD. I can't even explain what it feels like. Not high, not buzzed. Just relaxed. I'm a big fan!

On top of making me feel great, these drops are so YUMMY! This makes me so excited to drop them into some sparkling water after the baby goes to bed at the end of a long day. I think the preferred method of taking the drops is directly under the tongue, but like I said, I put a lot of value in a relaxing beverage, so that's the route I've been taking. 

A big bonus here is the lavender face oil. A quick face wash followed by this oil makes me feel like I took a quick trip to the spa... which we all know isn't an option right now!

My evenings are perfect now with a yummy drink, a soothing mini-facial, and a good candle of course.

cbd and candle inspired relaxation routine

 cbd and candle inspired relaxation routine

cbd and candle inspired relaxation routine

cbd and candle inspired relaxation routine

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