Now Offering: Small Business Consults!

Now Offering: Small Business Consults!

Every summer, we scale back our production (because, wow, its freaking hot out and candles melt). I love to spend the extra hours to reflect and clear my head, catch up on reading and plan, plan, plan and do more planning for the months to come.

This summer, I'm taking a super limited number of hours and dedicating them to helping other small business owners gain some clarity, offer them advice, and help answer questions about things I feel so lucky to be way too familiar with. 

I'll be offering a few one-hour consultations over the next couple of months, and if you'd like to hop onto one of them you can do that right here!

It feels really important for me to give back to this wonderful community by helping bring up the next generation of small businesses. If you're local to the Phoenix area, I'd love to buy you a coffee and meet in person. If you're elsewhere, we can easily set up a call. 

Some things we can chat about:

  • When to hire help/how to hire smart
  • Branding questions (working with designers, crafting a story)
  • Photography and building a photo library/working with photographers
  • Figuring out what your margins really are/pricing strategies
  • How to get into wholesale
  • The ins and outs of tradeshows
  • How to maximize production efficiency/scaling production
  • Financials/cash flow
  • Setting goals/accountability
  • Budgeting
  • Social media and marketing

When you sign up for a meeting, I'll send over some questions that will help make sure we're on the same page when we get together. I'll be in the know on what you'd like to focus on and be able to prepare all of my best advice! 

I started Standard Wax in 2011 without a clue about any of those bullet points above. Fast forward seven years, and I'm incredibly amazed at the things running my own business has taught me. One of my favorite activities in the world is solving problems. Nothing would bring me more joy than helping to solve a couple of yours.

If you're ready to snag one of the few slots I'm making available during July + August, hop to this page to sign up. I can't wait to get to work together!

- Sam

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