The hype about Hygge

There’s been a lot of hype around the term Hygge lately, and I wanted to dive into what it means to me and how it applies to Standard Wax and what we believe in.
standard wax candles
Before it was the buzzword of the year, and before I even knew what it meant, hygge was a guiding principle for Standard Wax. At its essence, hygge is the act of acknowledging a special moment. The important word is acknowledging. Taking the time to be intentional and thoughtful about what you’re doing and your surroundings, and being mindful about what makes it so special.
standard wax candles
A big part of hygge is rituals, and for me, candles have always been part of my daily ritual. Lighting a candle is a signal that work is done and its time to unwind. I come home, clean up, make dinner, do a little bit of work, and THEN light a few candles and sit back to read or watch TV.
standard wax candles
The idea of creating a moment of transition has become so important to my routine, and I’d like to think that’s the essence of hygge. I feel cozy and comfortable and relaxed when I take a moment to acknowledge that I’m lighting a candle and its chill time.
standard wax candles
If nothing else, I hope our products can help create this moment for you. Whether its when you’re starting your day or ending it, I want Standard Wax to create a moment of hygge – a moment for you to stop and reflect on what’s happening and why its so special.
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