We Have Been Busy..

We Have Been Busy..

Hi everyone! 

It's been longer than I wanted but a lot has happened since I last posted. Firstly, we moved and I am still tired thinking about it. Although moving isn't fun we are really excited about our new space. It's light, bright, and airy which automatically makes you feel better. Personally, it was helpful to me since I definitely would have never gone through all the materials, papers, tools, etc since it was all so new to me. The move forced me to take an inventory and fully understand what came with buying Standard Wax. 

After we got settled, we hit the ground running getting to work on launching our very small Spring/Summer drop. We have seen a lot of success from our website and Instagram and hope we can announce soon where you can smell them in person. We focused on keepings things simple and classic. We wanted the look and feel to be clean but memorable and truly be for anyone's style. This is why they make the perfect gift. 

Shop the collection here: https://standardwax.com/collections/garden-collection

Since moving in, we have seen a lot of excitement in our Corporate Gifting realm. We are in final discussions to partner with a huge brand consultant to add a few items to a luxury gift box they are working on.. wish us luck! We just wrapped up a fun project for a huge music festival Grove Stern. They needed client gifts super fast and we were so proud to be able to deliver them on time, plus they look great. 

We are also working with a few restaurants and stores for some really fun and unique projects we are lucky to be part of. Next up, we are tweaking our White Label offers to be completely different from our Corporate Gifting. We got some great feedback about styles we are missing and more affordable price points so we are working on it. 

As a reminder here are links to information about our White Label and Corporate Gifting offerings. 

White Label: https://standardwax.com/pages/wholesale-with-standard-wax

Corporate Gifting: https://standardwax.com/pages/copy-of-white-label-menu

Until next time! 



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